At capacity the facility will process up to 230,000 tonnes per annum of municipal solid waste, which will help to increase the local authority’s landfill diversion rate towards 90%.
Any mixed recyclate material separated at the facility will pass through an on-site materials recovery facility (MRF) for use by ‘specialist markets’.
Organic waste will then be sterilised in a ‘state-of-the-art’ autoclave, before being fed into a 65,000 tonne anaerobic digestion (AD) plant. The resultant biogas will be used to power the plant, with any remaining electricity being fed back onto the national grid. The ‘nutrient rich’ residue from the AD process will be used to condition soil.
Furthermore, green waste will be broken down in an ‘air controlled composting plant’, the compost from which will be used by residents and ‘land remediation schemes’ across Wakefield District, as well as further afield.
South Kirkby, West Yorkshire
We were contracted by the plant management company, Shanks Group plc to design a bespoke Operations & Maintenance manual system for the whole plant. This included multiple processes and sub-processes.
We worked directly with Shanks to produce a dynamic HTLM type O&M manual system which provides simple navigation across the process areas and makes finding specific, detailed information quick and easy.
As with all our manuals, it has been designed with the future in mind, allowing the plant operators to be able to update the O&M system themselves as further works continue in the future.
Shanks Waste Management