The sludge plant at Hardham WSW was designed with the twin objectives of improving the sludge treatment process while ensuring that any discharge to the River Rother complied with the new Environment Agency Consent which came into force on 1st December 2014.
However, the original sludge plant was not designed for winter raw water quality conditions; when the rate of sludge production is significantly greater than the design figure. There was therefore a real challenge to the Business in ensuring that the discharge consent conditions are met.
The installation works completed the AMP 6 Hardham Sludge upgrade scheme included the following:
- Provide 1 No. Lamella Clarifier for additional sludge handling capacity.
- Decommissioning and removal of the DensaDeg Clarifiers.
- Upsizing of WRc thickener feed pump pipework and supernatant pipework.
- Provide 1 No. centrifuge unit to dewater average of 2979 kg/day and maximum of 4800 kg/day.
- Provide 2 No. Sludge Cake Conveyors and associated Sludge Skip Weighbridges.
- Provide 2 No. Centrifuge Feed Pumps.
- Provide 2 No. Centrate Transfer Pumps.
- Provide 2 No. Off-Spec Centrifuge Sludge Transfer Pumps.
- Provide a new 25 kg sacks polymer make-up, storage and dosing system to provide polymer to the new Centrifuge system.
- Provide a new Motive Water booster set.
- Provide 2 No. new MCCs with associated ICA upgrades.
Our scope on the whole project included the following services:
- Full production of a detailed Operations & Maintenance Manual for the scheme, including integration with existing documentation for areas of the sludge plant to provide a comprehensive document for the whole process area.
- Completion of the Health & Safety File.
- Supply & Onsite Installation of Asset Identification Tags and Genera Signage / Labelling.
- Supply & Onsite Installation of Pipe Banding.
The project had very tight deadlines due to regulatory compliance dates, therefore it was imperative that the documentation was completed and submitted on time.
October 2017 – May 2018
Galliford Try Infrastructure - Water
Southern Water