
EME Outlook Magazine Issue 23


3rd Light Media advertorial and half page advert supporting Haya Water strategic planning feature

Haya Water, under the stewardship of the Government of Oman, continues to innovate and adapt en route to its goal of facilitating a world-class water system in the country’s capital and is working diligently towards achieving its goals and mission through a structured wastewater project system and a clear vision of making Oman greener and healthier.

Services include: STPs & pumping stations (collection, conveyance and treatment of raw sewage); water reuse (distribution of treated effluent); a fully-accredited central laboratory facility; kala compost; and tanker services.

We worked closely with Haya Water to verify and tag assets at Al’Seeb STP. Following initial site surveys, laser-etched tags complete with unique QR codes were produced and all equipment tagged to meet the client deadline. The unique QR Code, when linked into our QR-ADD app, provides direct access to asset and site documentation directly on a smartphone or tablet.

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